Friday, November 9, 2007

House Dems call for more troops in Iraq

"The measure identifies a goal of ending combat by December 2008, leaving only enough soldiers and Marines behind to fight terrorists, train Iraqi security forces and protect U.S. assets."

OK. A bit of a joke, but this is so fucking pathetic.

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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Meat Rocks, Torture Balls, and Government Secrecy

Eventually I will return to posting. Things have actually returned to being pretty darn amusing in the basement. Right now, however, I am stuck in hell.

The puppy demands all of my time. When he doesn't get it he starts to misbehave. Now when I ignore him he comes right up to my face and barks. Repeatedly.

It's lovely.

To shut him up, I broke down and picked up a new toy to keep him occupied. Supposedly it's the best dog toy around, but it seems like it was invented by the CIA torture squad. It's a plastic ball that you fill with fabulous treats that your dog can't actually reach. They say it's "fun" for the dog, but I can't imagine a crueler device.

He also hates everything I try to feed him. Especially his ultra-expensive dry dog food, AKA his Meat Rocks. It's kind of creepy to think about how this food is primarily "high-quality protein", yet can sit out at room temperature for extended periods of time.

Worst of all, his behavior problems seem to have increased dramatically since he first came to me. I could accept his poor behavior as the result of a tumultuous previous existence, but as my own fault? That's troublesome.

I am so behind in my academic program it's embarrassing. We just had to make our first library related webpage, and mine was a disaster. I know I tend to over criticize my own work, but it might have been my worst academic assignment of all time. Both the design and content are awful. I don't think I'll ever be able to look this professor in the eyes again.

Now I have my first actual real paper due tomorrow, and I haven't even started to write yet. This professor seems to have the lowest expectations from her students that I have ever encountered, so I'm not too worried. However, I'm not sure why I feel the need to match my performance to her low expectations. My paper is on government secrecy and the withdrawal of federal documents under the Bush administration. It's fabulously frightening, I should be excitedly working on it, but instead here I am. Can you imagine how my very boring upcoming paper on facet classification will turn out?

No time to download pictures, let me see if I can pull out something amusing that I already have loaded...

Here we go. When the semester is over, I will invite everyone over for a dinner party (problematic since most readers are in CA). I enjoy cooking and it'll be a nice reminder that, instead of learning about libraries, I could be waiting tables again. The catch? It'll be a mess-hall dinner party. Yes, this picture shows one of many recipe boxes we hold from the military. We could have some "Abu Ghraib Collar[d ] Greens" with some "Chicken and D.U.mplings", and don't forget the "Civil Liberties been Creamed Beef". Yummy.