Friday, March 13, 2009

My Publisher documents in action

Look at what I created in use. I think they are so pretty.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I'm back...

and I'm about to graduate! I'm taking a course called Preparing Instructional Media, and one of our projects can be to create a blog. I figured what a great opportunity to return to my blogging activity.

But my, things have changed since I started this blog and its stated purpose is no longer accurate. I no longer work in Government Documents. In fact, no one really does at the library. But, I still work in Government Documents and so do other people. Have I lost my mind? No, I still do a lot of Government Documents, but I got promoted to a GA position and now work primarily in Reference. Julie (my former boss) got a librarian position in Texas, and Cheryl (the Documents librarian) is also the Science specialist and doesn't get to spend the time on Docs that she would like.

The collection sits there now and just begs for attention, and we try to give it some love, but it usually means it comes out of our own time. I work with one of the SA's on shelving and other matters for a little bit each week, but nothing can make up for dedicated staff members. Oh well, the times they are a-changin'.

All that said. I LOVE reference as much as I thought I would. I often don't know what to do, but it's always exciting. Surprisingly, it's not as crazy as one would imagine. I think I dealt with stranger folks in the basement. There are some unusuals, particularly some who call on the phone. One gentleman is nice, but obsessed with my name. Another calls and asks for answers to bizarre unanswerable questions. You know you're a bit unstable when your first words upon calling a library reference desk are "please don't hang up on me!".

Anyway, I may not be able to post many pictures about the library, but I'll try to keep you updated nonetheless. Now I only seem to take pictures of dogs, so it's likely you'll see quite a few of those.

Here's a picture of Jack attacking a Boston Terrier:
