Friday, October 19, 2007

Microsoft Word is a piece of crap.

OK, I'm going crazy. Every once in a while Microsoft Word goes bonkers on me and freezes whenever it tries to autosave. I've checked their support page and online in general and I can't figure out what I need to do to get it to stop. It tells me that my word-work file is full. Ugh. This is what I see all the time-- the damn spinning color wheel.

I have to force quit and loose all of my unsaved work. I actually have to take pictures of the screen so I can remember what I wrote. It makes me want to throw my computer against the wall!

These colors don't run and neither did Hitler

but they sure do crack and fade. I love when people have these stickers, almost as fabulous as the dirty torn flags that people fly.

And on another note:

You've got to be kidding me. Oh, Tampa. Here's another great descriptor of the city:

Nothing like schools and guns together. It's been a really fabulous combo thus far.

Go Bulls!

The puppy

I have no idea why, and the how is very complicated, but I now have a dog. I don't even like dogs. I do adore this one though. He's like a cat that likes to go for car rides and walks. He has some health and behavioral issues, but we're working on them. The only thing he doesn't have is a name. I usually call him Puppy, sometimes Foxy, occasionally "The Boss", and the vet calls him Paco. Poor thing is schizo enough, I really should settle on a name soon. Any thing jumping out at you? Here are some pictures, but he's not very photogenic.

doesn't he even look like a cat from behind?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Odd and ridiculous news

Bush pushes Congress on 'No Child' law

It looks like Yahoo! has been taking lessons on titling from the US Government. I'm surprised the government doesn't actually call it the "No Child" law. It would be rather fitting on several levels.


Apparently I may end up being a corporate librarian after all. Please at least glance at this article. It is a very disturbing recent trend.

Still nothing funny in the basement

Despite lots of new material, nothing has been very amusing in the basement lately. Instead, the place is just plain creepy. This guy has been lurking around and monitoring the Muslims. I don't really know how to handle the situation other than to monitor him. It's a big circle of mistrust, since I think the Muslims don't trust me. Any suggestions?

In other news, I thought I would share something ridiculous about me. My other ridiculous lists require too much thought and energy, so they will have to wait until my energy levels raise. On a positive note, I am slightly less fat than before, and I have been feeling less pathetic and lonely. But anyway, back to the ridiculousness.

Today I realized what a freak I am for never wearing my glasses. You know how people talk around about how they couldn't find their glasses and it turned out they were on their head. Yeah, I'm the opposite. Today I touched my head and freaked out. Where were my glasses? They are always on my head, serving their primary function of a headband, but they weren't there. I started to freak out about where I could have misplaced them, when I realized I was actually wearing them for a change.

So why don't I wear my very expensive glasses?

I do have some decent reasons:

1. I have had such bad vision for so long that I'm just plain used to not being able to see.
2. They hurt my eyes, my optometrist finds this very strange, but I swear it's true.
3. My vision is getting progressively worse. Now I can't read at all while wearing my glasses. Since I almost always reading this is really quite annoying. Honestly, I read constantly. In the shower I read the back of the shampoo bottles, I read my mail while I drive (if not the newspaper), I even get up the middle of the night and check my email. Thank god at least it's not as bad for me as the other things I can't do in moderation-- food and alcohol.

But the biggest reason I don't wear my glasses makes absolutely no sense at all, and is probably the most ridiculous thing about me. Most girls don't wear their glasses because they think that others will find them unattractive. This is not my problem. My issue is that when I wear my glasses I find myself unattractive.

Not in the "my glasses make me look ugly" sense. No, that would be far too reasonable.

Rather, wearing my glasses makes me see how unattractive I actually am. The random glance of my reflection while wearing my glasses is a terrifying sight. I always think- "I don't actually look like that, do I?" It's a very similar experience to the first time I did acid. I couldn't step away from the mirror. I was obsessed with my ugliness. I washed my face, put on makeup, washed my face again, put on makeup again. This went on for hours.

Luckily, just like the acid trip, it does eventually end. Only now it doesn't take 10 hours, I just have to take off my glasses. Immediately, my skin looks nicer, my nose less obtuse, my hair less frizzy, my eyes less bloodshot, and my teeth much whiter.
Logically I know that in no way is my fuzzy vision transfered to others by not wearing my glasses, but this does not register in my brain. I just think, "hmmm, I look much better now."

Now that's ridiculous.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Ridiculously wrong things my family told me growing up...

No one gives a damn about government documents. Lately, neither do I. This week I will try to post several lists of ridiculous things that have been said to me (or by me).

Our first list is the easiest. I encourage comments of your own. I know that many of you must have some great ones of these too.

Some of the most ridiculously wrong things my family said to me growing up:

1. Sorry Vera, but we only have enough money to send one of you to private school now, and your brother has more potential than you.

2. No, we didn't drown the kittens.

3. One day you and your brother will be best friends.

4. Slavery wasn't wrong, slaves were like part of the family.

5. Isn't my little girl sexy? This photo of her in her bathing suit really shows off her figure.

(followed immediately by...)

6. It's okay honey, you can go with him, he's not a creepy old stranger at the bar, he's a family friend.

7. Are you pregnant? (I was 12).

8. Do you wanna go get some rolled tacos? Great, let's go to that place next to my bar. You don't mind eating in the car, do you?

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Well, a few people are still reading this blog, but I'm not sure why. I seem to have lost my sense of humor. I think it must be tied to fattening food. Fat people are funny.

My unhealthy lifestyle of the past couple of years has really caught up to me, so I've had to be pretty strict with my food intake to get back to a healthier me.

It's hard to think when you constantly feel like you're going to faint.

I'll try to post daily still, but it'll probably just be random rants until my brain starts to respond again, or when I break down and attack a pint of Ben & Jerry's.