Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Librarian Museum

So, the budget cuts just keep on coming. It looks like I will not be a library grunt for much longer. Every time I get introduced to a new person, they say--oh, you're that Vera. Not good.
Hopefully, I should be able to squeeze my way into a new position. If not, I'm in trouble.

Although, I must admit, today might have strengthened the arguments against my position. I have spent the past few days doing some much needed spring cleaning and reorganization of our office. I was trying to figure out where to put all the desks and assorted things. I assembled the desks as seen below, but when I saw the museum guide thing and the portable microform reader I knew what I had to do!

It's a Librarian Museum!! This is what the office must have looked at back in the day.

Our librarian is working on adjusting the card catalog:

Our portable "Informant" microfiche/film reader:

The miracles of modern science--our brand new electric typewriter!
We have our photocopying charge slips and our checkout forms at hand:

Ah, the good ol' days.
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Thursday, January 10, 2008

My absence

No one really reads this anymore, but that's mainly because I don't post anymore. In fact, even I forgot about it until someone posted a comment on an older post.

I do have a reason for my laziness-- my camera broke. When I went camping in northern Florida on the way to SOA protest (I never made it) there was an extreme cold front and my camera "disappeared". That was probably an inappropriate metaphor.

The puppy and I did get to go for a nice day hike before the camera seized completely (my car tried the same, but failed in its attempt to fail).

The campground was along the Suwannee River, that is the "swany" river of song. In memory of my trusted companion (not the puppy, he's still alive) here are some photos from the hike.

This was the starting point in the campground. There is nothing like camping in the same place where a very loud bell reverberates through your head every 15 minutes:

This is what the trail looked like, the marks on the trees kept you on the right path. It runs for 136 miles, but I only did about 10.
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The view to the left usually looked something like this:

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Doesn't matter where you go, people always seem to think wilderness is their personal dumping ground:

The spiders were my favorite part:
Although this funky tree with its wrap around branches was a close second. If anyone knows the name of this tree I would be ever thankful:


Hopefully I will be able to repair or replace my camera soon. I miss looking for the funny things in life and remembering them at the end of the day.