Wednesday, September 19, 2007

If Karl Marx came today back he'd say...

"Get that ignorant cur off the stage!"

Yes, I decided to attend the showing of Marx in Soho at my campus. At first I was worried. I had obligated myself to writing a review, but I'm not much of a drama critic.

Bob Weick's performance was overall quite decent and well updated (with Zinn's approval). Sure, he slipped in and out of various accents. He also used a lot more theatrics than Brian Jones's version (the apostrophe is correct. Well, according to those twits who make grammar rules anyway) and perhaps an argument of over-acting could be waged. However, overall it was a powerful, well-done piece.

But the story does not end there. I was going to skedaddle after the show ended but there was a "talkback" session and I decided to stay.

The first words out of Weick's mouth were, "Personally, I'm a patriot."

It didn't get any better.

The crowd was energized, and many people asked very astute questions, but Weick clearly has little political connections to the work and his answers were moderate and focused more on his interpretations of Marx's personal life while stumbling on the more political questions.

Unfortunately for Weick, understanding Marx's character requires an understanding of his politics.

I know I should have stood up and shouted that this treatment was scandalous, that Marx's views are still as relevant today as they were 150 years ago. That opening "dialogues" and restoring our nation to its "noble foundations" will not solve anything.

Instead, I sat their quiet and bitter. What would Marx say to me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He would say:

"Vera, did you really just say skedadle? Are you Vera Flanders now?"