Monday, September 17, 2007

the attic

OK, this blog is late, but if you're on the west coast I made it just in time. It also has nothing to do with books, the government, libraries, marxism, or any of my peculiar interests.

This week you have the opportunity to affect my life, literally.

I want to know whether I should climb up into this scary hole in my ceiling, or as the locals call it, the attic.

Notice the lovely popcorn ceiling?

Surprisingly, it is not the twigs held together with push-pins that they call a ladder that scares me. Hey, it says it was built to hold people much heavier than me.

Rather, it is the horrors that will await me upon my arrival.

For one, this complex is crawling with things. There are creatures everywhere. For the most part they scurry away as I walk down the path to my apartment, but a good rain brings them sneaking in. Frogs, bugs, lizards, etc. I spend a few hours each week returning these friends to the wild. What has made it up into the nice dry attic is truly unimaginable.

Next, it's not like this place is ran for the love of renting to students and the lumpenproletariat. No, its for profit. Everything about this place is poorly cared for. The walls are painted over wallpaper from 20 years ago that is peeling left and right. Things fall apart around here more than Bush fucks up his words. What may still exist up there from previous tenants is terrifying. It could be nothing, but it could be anything.

Who's ready to come for a visit?

Sometimes when I sit at my table, the ladder will slowly start to lower on its own. At least I hope it's on its own.

Should I go? Please vote in the poll on the right of this post, or comment below


Anonymous said...

Ewww, do you guys have giant roaches? If so, I'm never visiting.

The other day a giant roach snuck up on me in the bathroom stall at city college and I screamed and ran out of the stall, scaring and pissing off a bunch of other people.

Luckily, my pants were on, but it would have been funny if they were down.


Oh yeah, and what's in the attic?

vera said...

So far only one giant roach.

Mostly the things that come in are flying insects and frogs. Damn, those frogs are sneaky. Sometimes they jump on top of the door so if I close it I'll kill 'em, it's like they are the martyrs of the world of small creatures; risking their lives to let the rest in to safety.

I'm surprised I don't get more lizards. The freaking things can jump!

Anonymous said...

Do it! You know you would eventually anyway. I wish I had a scary attic that looks like fun. You should put stuff up there for the next tenants.

Anonymous said...

go! do it! there could be cool treasures. i would do it. i wanted to go in ours but all there was, was this super cool framed poster of disney's aladdin feature film from 1993.


ardeid said...

I think you should save this adventure for a special occasion. Maybe when I come to visit, or a mystical holiday. Maybe it is the portal to another universe! Or think of the fun you could have hiding up there and inviting innocent library students over, then descending in dramatic fashion. Think of the small vertebrates as your inspirition!

Anonymous said...

You definitely need to do this. Just imagine what kind of disgusting stories you will be able to tell afterward! You will be able to provide solid party entertainment for years.


vera said...

You can't hide behind an alias Ardeid, your sense of humor identified you immediately.

I hope you visit soon.